Cymbidium Elderberry Wine


Introducing our newest addition to O’Dowd’s Orchids family: the Elderberry Wine Cymbidium! This stunning orchid variety features deep, rich pinkish blooms reminiscent of a fine elderberry wine. The elegant flowers contrast beautifully against the lush green foliage, creating a striking and dramatic display. Perfect for orchid enthusiasts looking to add a touch of sophistication and allure to their collection. Visit our website today to bring home your own Elderberry Wine Cymbidium and elevate your plant. These are available starting May 10th. They will bloom this year. Standing 18-22 inches tall, in five inch pots.

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Introducing our newest addition to O’Dowd’s Orchids family: the Elderberry Wine Cymbidium! This stunning orchid variety features deep, rich pinkish blooms reminiscent of a fine elderberry wine. The elegant flowers contrast beautifully against the lush green foliage, creating a striking and dramatic display. Perfect for orchid enthusiasts looking to add a touch of sophistication and allure to their collection. Visit our website today to bring home your own Elderberry Wine Cymbidium and elevate your plant. These are available starting May 10th. They will bloom this year. Standing 18-22 inches tall, in five inch pots.

Introducing our newest addition to O’Dowd’s Orchids family: the Elderberry Wine Cymbidium! This stunning orchid variety features deep, rich pinkish blooms reminiscent of a fine elderberry wine. The elegant flowers contrast beautifully against the lush green foliage, creating a striking and dramatic display. Perfect for orchid enthusiasts looking to add a touch of sophistication and allure to their collection. Visit our website today to bring home your own Elderberry Wine Cymbidium and elevate your plant. These are available starting May 10th. They will bloom this year. Standing 18-22 inches tall, in five inch pots.

Cymbidium orchids are stunning flowering plants that require some special care to thrive. Here are some tips to help you care for your Cymbidium orchids:

  • Light: Cymbidium orchids prefer bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight as it can burn their leaves.

  • Temperature: Keep your Cymbidium orchids in a location with daytime temperatures around 70-80°F (21-27°C) and nighttime temperatures around 55-60°F (13-16°C).

  • Watering: Water your Cymbidium orchids thoroughly when the top inch of the potting mix is dry. Make sure excess water can drain easily to prevent root rot.

  • Humidity: Cymbidium orchids enjoy higher humidity levels. You can increase humidity by using a humidifier or placing the orchid pot on a tray filled with pebbles and water.

  • Fertilizing: Feed your Cymbidium orchids with a balanced orchid fertilizer every 2-4 weeks during the growing season. Reduce fertilization during the dormant winter months.

  • Repotting: Repot Cymbidium orchids every 2-3 years or when the pot becomes crowded. Use a well-draining orchid mix to prevent waterlogging.

By following these care tips, you can ensure that your Cymbidium orchids remain healthy and produce beautiful blooms for years to come. Happy orchid growing!

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