Bct. Taiwan Mermaid 'STK'

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Bct. Taiwan Mermaid 'STK'

Bct. Taiwan Mermaid 'STK' is a striking orchid hybrid known for its enchanting beauty and delicate charm. This orchid variety showcases stunning blooms with a unique color combination of soft pink and vibrant magenta, creating a captivating contrast that is sure to captivate any orchid enthusiast. Its elegant flowers exude a sweet fragrance, adding an extra layer of allure to this already mesmerizing orchid. With proper care and attention to its growing conditions, Bct. Taiwan Mermaid 'STK' can thrive and bloom abundantly, making it a delightful addition to any orchid collection. Bct. Taiwan Mermaid 'STK' is a captivating orchid hybrid that showcases a unique blend of elegance and charm. With its striking colors and delicate blooms, it is a standout addition to any orchid collection. This hybrid is known for its stunning white flowers with blush-pink speckles, creating a mesmerizing visual display. Its compact size makes it ideal for both indoor and outdoor settings, adding a touch of sophistication to any space. Bct. Taiwan Mermaid 'STK' is sure to enchant orchid enthusiasts with its beauty and grace. Registered by Yuan Dung Orch in 2019. A beautiful purple orchid with a spotted lip. One of a kind. Four inch pot standing 9-10 inches tall. Many orchids bloom at this stage.

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Bct. Taiwan Mermaid 'STK'

Bct. Taiwan Mermaid 'STK' is a striking orchid hybrid known for its enchanting beauty and delicate charm. This orchid variety showcases stunning blooms with a unique color combination of soft pink and vibrant magenta, creating a captivating contrast that is sure to captivate any orchid enthusiast. Its elegant flowers exude a sweet fragrance, adding an extra layer of allure to this already mesmerizing orchid. With proper care and attention to its growing conditions, Bct. Taiwan Mermaid 'STK' can thrive and bloom abundantly, making it a delightful addition to any orchid collection. Bct. Taiwan Mermaid 'STK' is a captivating orchid hybrid that showcases a unique blend of elegance and charm. With its striking colors and delicate blooms, it is a standout addition to any orchid collection. This hybrid is known for its stunning white flowers with blush-pink speckles, creating a mesmerizing visual display. Its compact size makes it ideal for both indoor and outdoor settings, adding a touch of sophistication to any space. Bct. Taiwan Mermaid 'STK' is sure to enchant orchid enthusiasts with its beauty and grace. Registered by Yuan Dung Orch in 2019. A beautiful purple orchid with a spotted lip. One of a kind. Four inch pot standing 9-10 inches tall. Many orchids bloom at this stage.

Bct. Taiwan Mermaid 'STK'

Bct. Taiwan Mermaid 'STK' is a striking orchid hybrid known for its enchanting beauty and delicate charm. This orchid variety showcases stunning blooms with a unique color combination of soft pink and vibrant magenta, creating a captivating contrast that is sure to captivate any orchid enthusiast. Its elegant flowers exude a sweet fragrance, adding an extra layer of allure to this already mesmerizing orchid. With proper care and attention to its growing conditions, Bct. Taiwan Mermaid 'STK' can thrive and bloom abundantly, making it a delightful addition to any orchid collection. Bct. Taiwan Mermaid 'STK' is a captivating orchid hybrid that showcases a unique blend of elegance and charm. With its striking colors and delicate blooms, it is a standout addition to any orchid collection. This hybrid is known for its stunning white flowers with blush-pink speckles, creating a mesmerizing visual display. Its compact size makes it ideal for both indoor and outdoor settings, adding a touch of sophistication to any space. Bct. Taiwan Mermaid 'STK' is sure to enchant orchid enthusiasts with its beauty and grace. Registered by Yuan Dung Orch in 2019. A beautiful purple orchid with a spotted lip. One of a kind. Four inch pot standing 9-10 inches tall. Many orchids bloom at this stage.

Care of Bct. Taiwan Mermaid 'STK'

To care for your Bct. Taiwan Mermaid 'STK' orchid, you'll want to provide it with the following conditions:

  1. Light: Place your orchid in a location where it can receive bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight as it can scorch the leaves.

  2. Temperature: Maintain a consistent temperature range of 65-85°F (18-29°C) during the day and slightly cooler at night.

  3. Humidity: These orchids prefer a humidity level of around 50-70%. You can increase humidity by placing the pot on a tray filled with pebbles and water.

  4. Watering: Water your Bct. Taiwan Mermaid 'STK' orchid thoroughly when the top inch of the potting mix feels dry. Be sure to allow excess water to drain out to prevent root rot.

  5. Fertilization: Feed your orchid with a balanced orchid fertilizer every 2-4 weeks during the growing season. Reduce fertilization during the winter months.

  6. Potting: Repot your orchid every 1-2 years using a well-draining orchid potting mix. Repotting is best done after blooming when new growth begins.

By providing the right conditions of light, temperature, humidity, watering, fertilization, and potting, you can help your Bct. Taiwan Mermaid 'STK' orchid thrive and bloom beautifully.

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