Cymbidium Green Fairy

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Green Fairy Cymbidium

Welcome to O'Dowd's Orchids, where every visit is like stepping into a magical wonderland of plants! Today, we're thrilled to introduce our latest star - the Green Fairy Cymbidium! If you want to save some shipping costs please click on “bareroot” for shipping before you purchase.

Imagine delicate, cascading green petals that dance in the breeze like a fairy's wings. The Green Fairy Cymbidium is a true enchantress, captivating all who lay eyes on her. With her graceful beauty and ethereal charm, she's sure to add a touch of magic to any space.

This mesmerizing orchid is the perfect choice for those who appreciate the unique and unexpected. Whether you're an experienced orchid collector or a newcomer to the world of green wonders, the Green Fairy Cymbidium is a must-have addition to your collection.

Visit our greenhouse today to meet the Green Fairy Cymbidium in person and let her sprinkle a little enchantment into your life. Come and experience the magic of O'Dowd's Orchids - where every plant tells a story, and every bloom is a work of art. Five inch pot standing 15 inches tall.

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Green Fairy Cymbidium

Welcome to O'Dowd's Orchids, where every visit is like stepping into a magical wonderland of plants! Today, we're thrilled to introduce our latest star - the Green Fairy Cymbidium! If you want to save some shipping costs please click on “bareroot” for shipping before you purchase.

Imagine delicate, cascading green petals that dance in the breeze like a fairy's wings. The Green Fairy Cymbidium is a true enchantress, captivating all who lay eyes on her. With her graceful beauty and ethereal charm, she's sure to add a touch of magic to any space.

This mesmerizing orchid is the perfect choice for those who appreciate the unique and unexpected. Whether you're an experienced orchid collector or a newcomer to the world of green wonders, the Green Fairy Cymbidium is a must-have addition to your collection.

Visit our greenhouse today to meet the Green Fairy Cymbidium in person and let her sprinkle a little enchantment into your life. Come and experience the magic of O'Dowd's Orchids - where every plant tells a story, and every bloom is a work of art. Five inch pot standing 15 inches tall.

Green Fairy Cymbidium

Welcome to O'Dowd's Orchids, where every visit is like stepping into a magical wonderland of plants! Today, we're thrilled to introduce our latest star - the Green Fairy Cymbidium! If you want to save some shipping costs please click on “bareroot” for shipping before you purchase.

Imagine delicate, cascading green petals that dance in the breeze like a fairy's wings. The Green Fairy Cymbidium is a true enchantress, captivating all who lay eyes on her. With her graceful beauty and ethereal charm, she's sure to add a touch of magic to any space.

This mesmerizing orchid is the perfect choice for those who appreciate the unique and unexpected. Whether you're an experienced orchid collector or a newcomer to the world of green wonders, the Green Fairy Cymbidium is a must-have addition to your collection.

Visit our greenhouse today to meet the Green Fairy Cymbidium in person and let her sprinkle a little enchantment into your life. Come and experience the magic of O'Dowd's Orchids - where every plant tells a story, and every bloom is a work of art. Five inch pot standing 15 inches tall.

Caring for the Green Fairy Cymbidium

So you've brought home a stunning Green Fairy Cymbidium from O'Dowd's Orchids - congratulations! Your new orchid is a true beauty with its enchanting green petals that seem to dance in the sunlight. Now, let's dive into how you can care for this magical plant and keep it thriving.


  • Bright, indirect light: Your Green Fairy Cymbidium loves bright, indirect light. Place it near a window where it can get plenty of sunshine without being exposed to direct sunlight, especially during the hottest parts of the day.


  • Consistent moisture: Keep the growing medium slightly moist at all times. Water your orchid when the top layer of the medium feels dry to the touch. Ensure good drainage to prevent waterlogging, which can lead to root rot.


  • Cool nights, mild days: Green Fairy Cymbidiums prefer cooler temperatures at night (around 55-60°F) and slightly warmer conditions during the day (65-75°F). Avoid sudden temperature fluctuations and drafts.


  • Moderate humidity: These orchids enjoy moderate to high humidity levels. You can increase humidity by misting the leaves or using a humidity tray. Avoid placing the orchid near heaters or air vents.


  • Regular feeding: Feed your Green Fairy Cymbidium with a balanced orchid fertilizer every 2-4 weeks during the growing season. Reduce feeding during the dormant winter months.


  • Room to grow: Repot your orchid every 2-3 years or when you see the roots outgrowing the pot. Use a well-draining orchid mix to provide ample aeration to the roots.


  • Admire and appreciate: Take the time to admire the beauty of your Green Fairy Cymbidium. Its unique green hues and graceful blooms are sure to bring a touch of magic to your home.

Remember, caring for orchids is a delightful journey filled with learning and wonder. Embrace the joy of nurturing your Green Fairy Cymbidium, and you'll be rewarded with its captivating charm for years to come. If you have any questions or need further guidance, don't hesitate to reach out to us at O'Dowd's Orchids. Happy orchid growing! 🌿🌸

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