Cymbidium Rosey Cloud Paradise 6 inch pot, 31 inches tall


Introducing the Rosey Cloud Cymbidium! This stunning orchid variety features delicate rose-colored petals with a cloud-like white pattern, creating a mesmerizing display of beauty. With its elegant appearance and captivating charm, the Rosey Cloud Cymbidium is sure to add a touch of sophistication to any indoor garden or floral arrangement. Visit O'Dowd's Orchids today to bring home this exquisite orchid and elevate your plant collection to new heights! Six inch pot, 31 inches tall, from root to tip.. Due to bloom this year.

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Introducing the Rosey Cloud Cymbidium! This stunning orchid variety features delicate rose-colored petals with a cloud-like white pattern, creating a mesmerizing display of beauty. With its elegant appearance and captivating charm, the Rosey Cloud Cymbidium is sure to add a touch of sophistication to any indoor garden or floral arrangement. Visit O'Dowd's Orchids today to bring home this exquisite orchid and elevate your plant collection to new heights! Six inch pot, 31 inches tall, from root to tip.. Due to bloom this year.

Introducing the Rosey Cloud Cymbidium! This stunning orchid variety features delicate rose-colored petals with a cloud-like white pattern, creating a mesmerizing display of beauty. With its elegant appearance and captivating charm, the Rosey Cloud Cymbidium is sure to add a touch of sophistication to any indoor garden or floral arrangement. Visit O'Dowd's Orchids today to bring home this exquisite orchid and elevate your plant collection to new heights! Six inch pot, 31 inches tall, from root to tip.. Due to bloom this year.

Caring for Rosey Cloud Cymbidium

To care for your Rosey Cloud Cymbidium, place it in a location with bright, indirect light. Water the orchid early in the day to allow foliage to dry before nightfall. Keep the potting mix moist but not soggy, and fertilize monthly during the growing season. Maintain a temperature range of 50-70°F (10-21°C) during the day and slightly cooler at night. Repot the orchid every 2-3 years to refresh the potting mix and ensure healthy growth. With proper care, your Rosey Cloud Cymbidium will reward you with stunning blooms year after year.

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