Wilsonara Opalescent 'On The Edge'


Wilsonara Opalescent 'On The Edge' is a stunning orchid hybrid that showcases a delicate balance of colors and patterns. With its unique combination of parent species, this orchid displays a mesmerizing blend of pink, yellow, and white hues that create a truly ethereal appearance. The intricate veining on the petals adds a touch of elegance, making 'On The Edge' a standout choice for any orchid enthusiast. Its compact size makes it ideal for indoor cultivation, allowing growers to admire its beauty up close. This hybrid is sure to captivate with its mesmerizing charm and alluring presence.

This is a beautiful bright orchid. Listed not in bloom but this is very difficult to find even in the summer and spring. Four inch pot. This will start to spike in the spring.

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Wilsonara Opalescent 'On The Edge' is a stunning orchid hybrid that showcases a delicate balance of colors and patterns. With its unique combination of parent species, this orchid displays a mesmerizing blend of pink, yellow, and white hues that create a truly ethereal appearance. The intricate veining on the petals adds a touch of elegance, making 'On The Edge' a standout choice for any orchid enthusiast. Its compact size makes it ideal for indoor cultivation, allowing growers to admire its beauty up close. This hybrid is sure to captivate with its mesmerizing charm and alluring presence.

This is a beautiful bright orchid. Listed not in bloom but this is very difficult to find even in the summer and spring. Four inch pot. This will start to spike in the spring.

Wilsonara Opalescent 'On The Edge' is a stunning orchid hybrid that showcases a delicate balance of colors and patterns. With its unique combination of parent species, this orchid displays a mesmerizing blend of pink, yellow, and white hues that create a truly ethereal appearance. The intricate veining on the petals adds a touch of elegance, making 'On The Edge' a standout choice for any orchid enthusiast. Its compact size makes it ideal for indoor cultivation, allowing growers to admire its beauty up close. This hybrid is sure to captivate with its mesmerizing charm and alluring presence.

This is a beautiful bright orchid. Listed not in bloom but this is very difficult to find even in the summer and spring. Four inch pot. This will start to spike in the spring.

Care Instructions for Wilsonara Opalescent 'On The Edge'

Wilsonara Opalescent 'On The Edge' is a beautiful orchid hybrid that requires specific care to thrive. Here are some care tips for your Wilsonara Opalescent 'On The Edge':

Light: Place your Wilsonara Opalescent 'On The Edge' in a location where it can receive bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight as it can scorch the leaves.

Temperature: This orchid thrives in temperatures between 65-85°F (18-29°C) during the day and slightly cooler temperatures at night.

Humidity: Wilsonara Opalescent 'On The Edge' prefers moderate to high humidity levels. You can increase humidity by using a humidity tray or a room humidifier.

Watering: Water your orchid when the top inch of the potting medium feels dry to the touch. Allow any excess water to drain out of the pot to prevent root rot.

Fertilization: During the growing season (spring and summer), fertilize your Wilsonara Opalescent 'On The Edge' every 2-4 weeks with a balanced orchid fertilizer diluted to half the recommended strength.

Potting: Repot your orchid every 1-2 years using a well-draining orchid potting mix. Wilsonara Opalescent 'On The Edge' prefers a slightly compact container.

Blooming: With proper care, your Wilsonara Opalescent 'On The Edge' will reward you with stunning blooms. After blooming, you can cut back the flower spike to encourage new growth.

By following these care tips, you can help your Wilsonara Opalescent 'On The Edge' orchid thrive and continue to delight you with its gorgeous blooms. If you have any specific questions or concerns about caring for your orchid, feel free to reach out to us for further assistance.

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