Eria Obliterata


Eria obliterata, commonly known as the Obliterated Eria, is a species of orchid that belongs to the Eria genus. This epiphytic orchid is native to Southeast Asia, where it can be found growing in diverse habitats such as lowland forests and hill forests. The Obliterated Eria is characterized by its small pseudobulbs, each producing a single leaf, and delicate white flowers with a slight hint of pink or yellow. This orchid species is favored by growers for its compact size and charming blooms, making it a lovely addition to any orchid collection. This is blooming size. Stands 12 inches tall. In three inch pot.

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Eria obliterata, commonly known as the Obliterated Eria, is a species of orchid that belongs to the Eria genus. This epiphytic orchid is native to Southeast Asia, where it can be found growing in diverse habitats such as lowland forests and hill forests. The Obliterated Eria is characterized by its small pseudobulbs, each producing a single leaf, and delicate white flowers with a slight hint of pink or yellow. This orchid species is favored by growers for its compact size and charming blooms, making it a lovely addition to any orchid collection. This is blooming size. Stands 12 inches tall. In three inch pot.

Eria obliterata, commonly known as the Obliterated Eria, is a species of orchid that belongs to the Eria genus. This epiphytic orchid is native to Southeast Asia, where it can be found growing in diverse habitats such as lowland forests and hill forests. The Obliterated Eria is characterized by its small pseudobulbs, each producing a single leaf, and delicate white flowers with a slight hint of pink or yellow. This orchid species is favored by growers for its compact size and charming blooms, making it a lovely addition to any orchid collection. This is blooming size. Stands 12 inches tall. In three inch pot.

Care of Eria Obliterata

Eria obliterata, commonly known as the Fairy Petal Orchid, is a unique and beautiful species that orchid enthusiasts enjoy cultivating. When it comes to caring for Eria obliterata, there are several key factors to keep in mind:

  1. Light: Eria obliterata thrives in bright, indirect light. It should be placed in a location where it receives plenty of filtered sunlight but is protected from direct sun exposure, especially during the hottest hours of the day.

  2. Temperature: This orchid species prefers temperatures ranging from 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (15 to 24 degrees Celsius). It is important to avoid exposing Eria obliterata to extreme temperature fluctuations.

  3. Humidity: High humidity levels are essential for the health of Eria obliterata. It is recommended to place a humidity tray filled with water near the orchid or use a room humidifier to maintain the ideal humidity levels.

  4. Watering: Proper watering is crucial for the well-being of Eria obliterata. Water the orchid when the top inch of the potting medium feels dry to the touch. It is important to avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot.

  5. Potting Medium: Eria obliterata thrives in a well-draining potting medium that retains some moisture without becoming waterlogged. A mix of bark, perlite, and sphagnum moss is a suitable choice for this orchid species.

  6. Fertilization: During the growing season, feed Eria obliterata with a balanced orchid fertilizer diluted to half strength. Fertilize the orchid every 2-4 weeks, taking care not to overfertilize.

  7. Pruning: Regularly inspect Eria obliterata for dead or decaying foliage and stems, and prune them to promote the orchid's overall health and appearance.

By providing the proper care and attention, you can enjoy the delicate beauty of Eria obliterata as it thrives and blooms in your orchid collection.

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